Protecting the Environment

Strauss Water respects the environment

Strauss Water has always strived to protect the environment in all its activities, and, naturally, by providing filtered water of prime quality without draining nature’s precious resources or damaging its habitats in any given way.

The reduced emissions of gases responsible for the greenhouse effect, as well as of plastic waste, allow the modern way of life and the preservation of the planet’s natural resources in the best possible way.  

As a firm, we have set the goal of developing and providing water filtration and management solutions that are friendly to the environment, as well as of excellent quality. We firmly believe that, thanks to the quality and reliability of our products and the superb drinking water we have provided for more than 40 years, all families acquiring a Strauss water bar enjoy fabulous water and ease of use while saving hundreds of plastic bottles each year!  

We present to you some facts regarding the environmental benefits of consuming water using our water bars.

Protecting Nature

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Strauss Water bars use tap water and allow you to avoid consuming water from bottles, which usually comes from springs watering ecosystems and natural habitats. Using up water from such springs causes serious damage to these systems.  

Prime quality water

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Our products and parts are subject to thorough checks, meet strict standards and guarantee the highest possible quality of water to our clients.  

On the contrary, bottled water is exposed to factors that could contaminate it. High temperatures could cause the release of particles from the plastic bottle into the contained water. In addition, again in high temperatures, plastic containers become permeable to certain gases.

Less contamination and Greenhouse effect gases

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Consuming water from a Strauss Water bar indirectly reduces coal gas emissions by 25% to 40%, since water bottles are expendable products produced from petrol.  

The whole process of making plastic bottles causes the emission of gases associated with the Greenhouse effect. The construction of a single plastic bottle wastes three times more water than the amount it will eventually contain. Bear also in mind that a piece of plastic will need around seven hundred years to decompose. In addition, according to some researchers, a mere 10-20% of a plastic bottle can be recycled indeed. 

Reduced demand for storage and waste disposal

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A family using a Strauss Water bar saves the environment from the contamination of more than 800 plastic bottles per year. More than half a million Strauss Water clients that do not drink bottled water save, altogether, around 200,000,000 plastic bottles per year.

Energy consumption

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Energy Star is a voluntary program fostered by the Environmental protection Agency in the US, with the purpose of promoting products of high energy efficiency. Strauss Water’s bar has acquired the Energy Star certification, which ensures the consumption of prime quality water that does not harm the environment.   

A Strauss Water bar consumes an average of 0,6 kWh per day, which is up to 40% lower than that of other, similar appliances that do not have the Energy Star certification.   

Strauss Water bars also offer the option of deactivating its systems for minimum energy consumption, in case you plan to leave your premises for a considerable amount of time.

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